

Jenny Kanzler: from Art Odyssey (2013)(6)



Apparition Poem #1574 in Fixator Press

 Apparition Poem #1574 in Fixator Press. Many thanks to Jonathan Butcher. 


Apparition Poems in Eratio

 Two Apparition Poems up in Eratio. Many thanks to Gregory Vincent St. Thomasino. 


Jenny Kanzler Two-fer

 Into the Kanzler maelstrom again on P.F.S. Post, in stereo.  


Deep Wood's Woven Shade: Apparition Poem #2040


Where metaphors become themselves, put
the pedal to the metal, I want to be the one
not riding bitch on the plush-lined vessel’s
back seat, so that I generate (from tension!)
new metaphors also putting their pedal to the metal,
& the car I’m speaking of is Noah’s Ark, I’m the one
that got everything in there— it would have to be,
because she chose to paint kids playing King of the Hill,
because our brains did King of the Hill games back
& forth, years after all the fucking was finished,

because calculation was not foreign to the situation
on her side, so that I carry the all, the everything she is,
rich, recondite, multifariously about intelligence
or retardation, depending on her mood, green eyes
knowing the me past me that she’s counting on,
the Ark having to be a car to stunt it, in her wonted
fashion, perhaps even a jalopy. She knows me past me,
is herself a man, a king, past what was between her legs,
which I thought I found interesting past calculation,
because she set up a game there I’d fall for, & I did—

Brand New Key

New URLs on a newly archived Argotist Online site, and a sense of semi-republication, for the e-books The Posit Trilogy, The Great Recession, and Mother Earth.


Jenny Kanzler: from Art Odyssey (2013)(5)



Deep Wood's Woven Shade: Apparition Poem #1347

Because women who paint have two bodies,
the fragile blood/flesh vessel common, normed,
to all, & an aggregate of coalesced colors & forms,
extending residue useful to raise brains past models,
the winter day arose I plumbed the depths (for a random
reason) of my files, found a miracle, ten paintings,
all master class, by her, without understanding how
I’d mislaid them a decade before. But there, in that now,
I found her body again, the first stroked into
the second, & it was a revelation past anything but

the most violently revelatory intercourse possible
between two human beings. Honestly, not hostile
but real, our more literal expression had wobbled
on skittish rails towards the noncommittal or gossamer.
But as she left it for real, her physical body, in coalesced
colors & forms, the retrieval was all intercourse elevated
into matrimony usually thought too good for the human
race. It is, actually. Especially given the work’s twists
& turns towards revealing again all this dullness
we live in. Four bodies must suffice, to turn dullness to fullness.


Apparition Poem #1180 in Scud


Apparition Poem #1180 in Scud


Something Solid: Aughts Philly: Dresser in Lothlorien Poetry Journal

 Dresser, from the Aughts Philly section of Something Solid, in Lothlorien Poetry Journal


Jenny Kanzler: from Art Odyssey (2013)(4)



Deep Wood's Woven Shade: Apparition Poem #1208


You bed down in a sty,
squeeze out your mind
like a rag, catch water
(usually greasy) in tins,
mix them up (murkiness
is not undesired), add an
edge of cyanide (or gin),
yet you know all the time
none of this will do much
good, or anything at all,
most of it is destined as
bricks in no wall, thus
does the blood spill, but
when you heal, how you
grab the sun & moon places
you where chemicals beg
your brain for admittance—


Jenny Kanzler: from Art Odyssey (2013)(3)


Flaubert and the Great Recession

A think-piece on Madame Bovary and the American zeitgeist from a UK blog in 2013

Plymouth-Whitemarsh: Book #2

The first book in my oeuvre to directly address Plymouth-Whitemarsh: autumn 2019's The Great Recession. As of late 2024, another salvo fired directly from Ply-Mar begins its journey; the Beams sequel Dance Monkey, from Funtime Press. Will I  get to a trilogy? Who knows.


Jenny Kanzler: from Art Odyssey (2013)(2)



Jenny Kanzler: from Art Odyssey (2013)



Deep Wood's Woven Shade: Apparition Poem #516



This lowly wise slug, stuck
to woody surfaces, rocky
bottoms, is yours: vacuum-
space, death to suck. But
lucky dips come in with such
brave vehemence (yellow
light, stop, before red) that
as we park near the woods
I hear an axe chop off your
reticence. This, however dense,
is how a man begets expanse—
what’s Eve, what’s ribbed, what’s chance—